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Myopia Control

What is Myopia?
Myopia is more commonly known as short-sightedness. Near objects are clear, but distant objects appear blurred.
Myopia is reaching epidemic levels, the development of which can occur before the age of 10 and up to the age of 25 years. The younger the child is when they are first found to be myopic, the higher the prescription it is likely to become. The likelihood of developing short-sightedness increases if either parent is also short-sighted but there is a 25% chance even with no family history. The onset of myopia can also be lifestyle dependent and is more likely in children who participate in prolonged near-work activities such as reading or digital device use.
Myopia Management Options
There is currently no cure for Myopia and until now, young adults and children with myopia have been dependent on spectacles or contact lenses to correct their vision.
You can help your child by controlling environmental factors that may affect the development of myopia. They should:
Attend regular eye examinations
Take regular breaks from prolonged screen use or near vision tasks
Good posture helps create a good working distance from close tasks (ideally this should be about 30cms)
Spend more time outdoors, ideally 2hrs minimum per day