We are closed for staff training from 12:00 - 13:30 on 28 May 2025
Celebrating 65 years in 2025

Emergency Eyecare
Grampian Eye Health Network
McPherson Optometry is a key part of the Grampian Eye Health Network. Beyond eyewear, we address urgent eye problems like sudden vision loss, blurry vision, flashes, and floaters with free NHS emergency appointments. Your well-being is our priority.

Working in Partnership with...
We work in association with the Hospital Eye Service, GP’s and Pharmacy. As a part of the Eye Health Network we have a direct link with the Eye Department and work to protocols issued by the College of Optometrists and the Eye Health Network. We share information with your GP and the Hospital Eye Service with your consent when this is beneficial to you. We believe that a joined up service benefits you significantly.
Our Optometrist Malcolm regularly teaches about foreign body removal, click here to listen to a College of Optometrists podcast interview with him.
Our Specialist Services
Dry Eye
Dry eyes are a common problem and can be exacerbated by environmental factors such as air conditioned offices and excessive use of computer screens. This in turn leads to the eyes feeling uncomfortable and tired and becoming inflamed.
Once the primary cause of the problem has been identified, a treatment plan can be tailored to your individual requirements. Why not give us a call to arrange an appointment?

Cataracts are a very common eye condition.
As we get older, the lens inside our eye gradually changes and becomes less clear. A lens that turns cloudy, is said to have a cataract, which, in time, becomes gradually worse and vision poorer. This does not hurt.
Age, unfortunately, is the main cause, however, smoking is also linked with cataracts.Treatment is surgery, removing the lens and replacing it with a clear, plastic implant.

Keratoconus is a disease affecting the clear window at the front of the eye, the cornea. It should keep its shape but in keratoconus it becomes elastic and stretches into a cone like shape. This causes blurred vision.
Management of the condition is mostly by specialised contact lenses which allow good vision to be maintained. A medical procedure, Corneal Cross Linking can be used to stabilise and prevent progression of the condition. Severe cases may need corneal surgery in the form of a corneal graft procedure. The practice deals with this condition on a daily basis and has a wealth of experience in the options available.
Glaucoma, the 2nd most common cause of blindness in the UK, is characterised by damage to the optic nerve, usually due to excessively high intraocular pressure (IOP). Peripheral vision is affected in the early stages, as the disease advances central vision is also affected.
Often, you cannot feel this pressure – it is known as the “silent disease” – showing no signs of symptoms, which is why it is so important to get your eyes checked regularly.
Risk factors include age, family history, race & myopia.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration
The macula is the part of your eye which picks up fine detail. Degeneration of this area will result in loss of sharpness making reading and recognising faces difficult. However this does not affect your ability to walk around as it doesn't affect peripheral vision.
There are 2 types:
Dry - slow progressing gradual loss of visual function due to poor circulation at the back of the eye. No treatment has yet been developed.
Wet - results when abnormal blood vessels grow behind the macula and leak fluid causing quite rapid loss of vision. Straight lines may appear distorted and if this change occurs you should be seen as an emergency. OCT scanning is critical for detecting early changes on macular degeneration.